If you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim…
The consultation is free, completely confidential, and there is no obligation.

That way I’m just one touch away if you need me.

“Good morning, Gary. I’m hoping you will take the time to answer my question.
I was hurt in a car wreck last week. I was at a complete stop at a red light. The other driver said she turned to give a pacifier to her baby in the back seat and she did not realize the light had turned red. You guessed it – she ran into the rear of my car. I was driving a 2013 Honda Accord and it had to be towed. The repairs are going to be about $3,000.00. I was just shaken up at the scene of the wreck and did not want to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. However, when my husband came to pick me up, I was hurting. He took me to the emergency room. The doctor has now referred me to an orthopedist.
Here are my questions: (1) Who will pay my doctor bills? (2) My car was less than a year old. What about the damages to it?
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you. -Maddie in Ellenwood

What Money Can I Recover

Let me start with one part of your question first:

I will always answer your questions! That’s my job.
If we can’t help you, we will often have recommendations for someone that may be able to offer assistance to you.

Our Firm
But we answer every question and I thank you for yours!

A claim will be made against the insurance company for the driver that rear-ended you to pay for these medical bills. However, please know that her insurance company will not pay for your medical bills as you treat with the doctor for your injuries. They will wait to settle with you when you have completed treatment.
So the first thing we will do is to look and see if you have med-pay coverage on your car insurance.
Med-pay coverage is like health insurance on your car.
It is sometimes listed as MPC.
If you have it, your insurance company will pay for reasonable and necessary medical expenses up to the limits of the policy – regardless of who is at fault.

We can help you find a doctor that is willing to provide treatment to you through a medical lien.

And here’s one thing I’d like to stress to our viewers. If you have been injured in a car wreck, it is important that you get prompt medical care for your injuries. This should be done regardless of whether or not you plan on presenting any kind of claim against the at fault party’s insurance company. You had your health before the wreck and you need to get that back as best you can.
Now your second question:
* My car was less than a year old. What about the damages to it?
We would certainly make sure the at fault insurance party covers the repairs to your vehicle.

If you are involved in a car wreck, your car will suffer property damage.

Most people would never buy the car that has been repaired.

And if you would even consider buying the car that has been wrecked, you would want a substantial discount.
Diminished value is what the market says your vehicle lost in value because of the wreck and repairs.
I have an entire chapter dedicated to diminished value in my #1 best selling book, The Authority on Personal Injury Claims in Georgia.

Please – you owe it to yourself to call a lawyer to discuss the facts of your specific claim.
The trauma of being in a car wreck is frightening enough.
But now you are faced with a lot more . . .
* Who will pay for your medical bills?

* You are left without a car.

If you would like to speak with my law firm about your claim, we make it easy for you.

And I encourage you – if you don’t call us, please call someone to help you with your claim.
You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”
We’ll be right back.

Car Accident Law Video